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Megan Nadin - 4 Ingredient Banana Bread You'll Go BANANAS For!

4 Ingredient Banana Bread You'll Go BANANAS For!

Posted on 9/4/2020 1:10:42 PM

A few years ago I stumbled across the 3 ingredient healthy pancake: Bananas, Eggs and Baking Soda. After diving into that recipe and being pleasantly surprised; it's been in my mental cookbook ever since!. Since then I’ve taken these three ingredients, added rolled oats to the list and toyed around with the measurements to make an array of healthy sweet treats. Out of all the ones I’ve made so far, my favourite has been this BANANA BREAD!

YOU GUYS…For REAL! Not only is this banana bread recipe QUICK and EASY… it’s absolutely DELICIOUS, which has made it one of my go-to’s when my sweet tooth kicks in. The best part - it calls for minimal ingredients and takes a minimal amount of prep time!  If you don’t believe me, just give it a try! If you’re a fan of banana bread, this recipe is going to knock your socks off! 

4 Ingredient Banana Bread:

Prep: 10 mins

Cook Time: 30 mins

Baking Temp: 350° 



  • 4 Bananas 
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1½ tsp Baking Powder
  • 1 cup Rolled Oats (ground) 


Add ins:

  • 1 tbsp Cinnamon
  • ¾ cup Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips


  1. Preheat oven to 350°

  2. Start by lightly grounding rolled oats in a blender or food processor Do not over blend - you DO NOT want a flour like consistency.  Place them to the side for later. 

  3. Using a fork mash up 3 bananas in a large bowl. Slice up the fourth banana and place it to the side.
    - This recipe works best while using ripe bananas (yellow with some spotting), as apposed to overly ripe (brown). This is because the ripe banana mash gets more of a liquid consistency.

  4. Crack and add eggs to the banana mash and whisk til evenly combined.
    - The consistency of mixture should start to become more of a frothy and foamy consistency.

  5. When bananas and eggs are evenly combined, add and whisk in baking powder.
    - This helps the bread rise while baking and is what gives it it’s fluffy consistency

  6. Add ground rolled oats and mix until evenly combined.
  7. Once you have your banana bread mixture add cinnamon and semi sweet chocolate chips (and/or any other “add in’s” your feeling, nut’s, dried fruit, etc)

  8. Grease loaf pan with cooking spray or line with butter and add your banana bread mixture. 

  9. Take half of your banana slices and push them into the banana bread so they are fully submerged. Add the other half of the banana to the top of the loaf.

  10. Place in the middle rack and bake for 30 minutes. Remove, rest till cool, serve and enjoy!




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